Episode 21: Year In Review; A List of our Favorite Episodes

In this edition of Cybersecurity Where You Are, CIS CISO, Sean Atkinson, and CIS Senior VP and Chief Evangelist, Tony Sager are joined by two members of the CIS podcast production team, Jason Forget, VP of Communications, and Chad Rogers, Digital Media Program Manager. Together they discuss this past year in cybersecurity, creating this podcast, and their favorite episodes.



The Goal of the CIS Podcast

We launched this podcast to make cybersecurity issues more accessible to a wider audience. The title, “Cybersecurity Where You Are,” speaks to where listeners might be in their education, their cyber defense plan, and where they might be physically while online. With more people working remotely and the ubiquity e of technology in our everyday lives, we think everyone should be comfortable with the basics of cybersecurity, and that’s why we chose topics that we felt best highlight how CIS can benefit our listeners. Cybersecurity can be a heavy topic sometimes, and there’s only so much most people can read, so the podcast was designed to go deeper while engaging listeners – whether they’re cybersecurity experts or casual observers – with real-life stories from our hosts and guests.

Some of Our Favorite Podcast Episodes

The team looked back on the many topics they discussed throughout the year including governance, employment, zero-trust, and more. Here are some of their favorite episodes (with some of their favorite guests answering “The Atkinson 9”):

Listen to the episode to hear the full list!

What’s to Come for Cybersecurity and the Podcast

Mis- and dis-information, the Internet of Things, social media, and the growing ‘metaverse’ are all topics the team is eyeing for future episodes. The culture of the technology industries is to release new products quickly and develop improvements or work out the bugs/improvements later. This means that vulnerabilities are par for the course in those early releases, but are soon found, then fixed. Consumers seem receptive to this as long as they can obtain the ‘next best thing’. While it’s impossible to protect against all vulnerabilities, industry experts need to work with users and developers to make cyber environments as safe as possible.

We’re proud to add Cybersecurity Where You Are to the conversation and thank everyone who listened in our first year. Be sure to subscribe to hear from us as we tackle new topics in 2022!