New Features in CIS-CAT Pro v1.1.7 Dashboard

CIS SecureSuite® Members are receiving an update to CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard in v1.1.7. CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard is the companion tool to CIS-CAT Pro Assessor. It consumes configuration assessment results and charts the results over time, providing users with insight into their overall security posture. CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard allows users to group endpoints by utilizing the tag feature. Keep reading to learn why tags are useful and how to apply them to best meet organizational needs.

Grouping Endpoints Using Tags

Members can view average configuration assessment scores over time by member-configured groups called “Tags” using the “Dashboard – Tag View” selection on the menu in the CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard application. Assign tags that fit your organization’s endpoint management process. A group or tag could represent a region, a department, internal/external ownership, functional use, operating systems, etc. Using the Dashboard Tag View Chart, you’ll easily be able to identify trends by the groups or tags you create.

Regularly reviewing target systems, for example, by organizational departments or geographical locations helps you focus remediation efforts in the right places.


Does a CIS Benchmark recommendation need some time to implement in a specific department within your organization and don’t want your score to suffer? If yes, then you may find it useful to apply an exception to a CIS Benchmark recommendation by tag. Enter a tag in the “Tags” field to apply an exception to all machines with the same tag. When choosing to apply an exception using tags, it is automatically applied globally to all machines having the same tag. Once an exception has been created and approved, failures on newly imported configuration assessment results containing the excepted CIS Benchmark recommendation will be excluded from the overall score.


New Feature Allows Efficient Endpoint Tag Assignment

We’ve enhanced the Target Systems Search screen. Narrow down your target system search by IPv4 range. Can’t remember all your existing tag names? Enter a space in the tag fields to show the available list or start typing a tag name to narrow down the list. Once the “Search” button is pressed, results of the criteria selection are added to the screen and the “Add/Remove Tags” option is available. Since modifying tag assignment currently affects Benchmark exception application, we’ve restricted the use of this new option to users with ROLE_ADMIN only.

To apply or remove tags to multiple target systems based on the result set and the selection boxes, select the “Add/Remove Tags” button. Enter tags to apply or remove from the selected systems in your result set and select “Apply.”


Tags will be applied or removed from the selected systems in the original result set. Upon selecting “Apply,” you are returned to the results screen and the results are refreshed with the existing criteria.



Arrow  Check out all features added in this release in the CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard Change Log
Arrow  As of July 2021, CIS-Pro v2.0.0 Dashboard has released. Learn more in this blog
Arrow  Already a Member? Login to CIS WorkBench to download CIS-CAT Pro Dashboard v1.1.7